Saturday, May 26, 2007

Which "Grey's Anatomy" Character Are You?

You need to take this test and then let me know which character you are!

I am Miranda.

"You're a perfectionist and you expect nothing less from everyone around you. Even when people complain, they secretly admire you for holding them to your high standards. Your family is your rock, even if you don't get to see them as much as you'd like. But without them, you'd be lost because you can't ever let anyone at work see you're human too."

When I was a working girl, I would have to say this was not too far off the mark. Interesting.

Who are you?


Laura and the family said...

Very Interesting because I have the same character as yours ! I'm not surprised for being "perfectionist." Maybe that s why we understand each other better, :-)

Aimee said...

I am Callie, and it doesn't describe me at all!

Mandee said...

I was Miranda too, but I don't believe it. I am not a perfectionist.

Ginger said...

I've never seen the show, but the test says I'm Izzie. Does that match?