Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Katya's First Lacrosse Game

Last night was Katya's first Lacrosse game of the season.

For those of you that don't know what lacrosse is ( I didn't know until last year), I'll give you a brief explaination. It is played kind of like soccer with a goal on each end of the field. There is a small heavy ball that is passed from player to player and they try to get it into the other teams goal. However, the ball must be passed at least two times before a goal attempt can be made. Each player passes the ball with a stick that has a small net attached to the end of it. If the other team has the ball you are allowed to hit their stick with your stick to bounce it out (hence some really gnarly padded gloves that they are required to wear) and you are also allowed to use your body to push the other team out of the way. Required equipment is a full face helmet, padded gloves and the lacrosse stick.

At the game last night, some of the players on the other team got a bit overzealous in the body checking and one person started hitting another person in the chest and on his back with his stick. The game was stopped twice to go over rules and then people started going to the "box" until the other players started to mellow out. The first two minutes into the game Katya fell and twisted her knee so she was out for the first half of the game. She felt better after letting it mellow for a while so she went in and played the second half.

Oh yeah, she is only one of three girls on her team. I don't think the other team even had a girl on it.

Katya was hanging by the opponents goal to try and help the ball in. She wasn't up for too much running so she played very safe. However, this didn't stop her from scoring the tying goal! I was filming some of the game on my camera and the memory card was full 60 seconds before she got the ball in. I am not kidding! You can check out what I did catch on You Tube.

I'm buying a new memory card before next weeks game. Heck, there is a track meet tomorrow so I should do it before then too. I guess I'm going to Costco.

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