Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Goodbye Gilmore Girls

Wow. Seven years I have been faithfully watching Gilmore Girls. Seven long and very entertaining years.

I first started watching Gilmore Girls back when I bought my condo in Poway. I identified with the character of Lorelei, raising her daughter, Rori. Only, Lorelei was thinner, prettier and talked faster. And she lived in the coolest of towns EVER - Stars Hollow. They made the whole show and all of the characters on it so warm and real. My girlfriends Michelle and Desiree were also horribly addicted. All three of us had our kids when we were 22 or 23. Not babies, but as I look back on being 23 - I was indeed a baby in so many ways. We were all single and raising our daughters on our own.

As Katya got older, she started watching the show with me. It handled a lot of topics with a sense of humor and a hefty dose of reality. Katya watched Lorelei and Rori struggle through their changing relationship as Rori grew older. She watched Rori go through boyfriends, friends, rejection, some major mistakes and saw how she worked through it. I think it was good for her.

As Katya and I were sitting on the couch watching the series finale, we were both close to tears for most of it. It is the end of an era in our lives as it is the end of an era in our favorite characters lives. Katya looks at Rori and sees her future. Graduating from high school, going to college and leaving for her first big job. Leaving me to go off to make her way into the world. Knowing that she can always rely on me at any time - EVER. But leaving me nonetheless. It is tough watching the characters go through that pain on TV so I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like five years from now when I watch Katya graduate from high school and go away to college. I know it is coming, but I am just going to enjoy the time that I have left with her.

It is funny when a show comes along that you become totally addicted to and can identify with in some ways. The first show I ever was in a panic to get home to watch was Star Trek. All of them. I am a sci fi lover. As an adult, I became insanely addicted to X Files. I still remember sitting on David's couch and watching the pilot. Next came Gilmore Girls with all their crazy, but loveable characters. For a brief time, I was stuck on Alias. But the episodes became just too far fetched for me to wrap my head around. And besides, that show is now long over. Luckily for me, I now have Grey's Anatomy or I might go into withdrawls.

So, Goodbye Gilmore girls. Thanks for all the great times. I will miss you.

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