Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Katya's Last Track Meet

Yesterday was Katya's last regular track meet of the season.

The weather couldn't have been more different than last week. It was HOT (in the low 80's), sunny and blue skies. Alexis was with Ginger again so I just had Logan with me. We had a hard time staying cool and out of the sun for the five hours that we were there.

Katya was still running injured, but she gave it her best. She opted out of high jump again to concentrate on the 110 low hurdles, 200 and 800 relay. Katya came in 3rd in hurdles, 2nd in her heat for the 200 and first for the 800 relay. Her relay team has been so strong that they will be going to the District meet next week in Redmond to compete. Katya will find out tomorrow if she qualified for any other events.

I had made some rice krispy squares for the kids on her team, but it was too hot for anyone to want to eat them. It has to be hot for kids to turn THOSE down.

I was really bummed with my ability to take pictures. The sun was really intense so a lot of my pictures turned out looking almost white. And my camera had just enough of a delay during key races that the picture that I wanted was long since past and I got Katya's foot. Some days are just better than other with camera karma. I did manage to take a video of her running the 200, but the first couple of seconds were aimed at the trees while I was trying to find her. It is hard to keep that camera level with it zoomed out so far.

We went to the doctor today about Katya's knees and ankles and she thinks that Katya is overusing them. She will be seeing a podiatrist and going to some physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around her ankles and knees. Hopefully those things will help for the long haul. Luckily, Katya's lacrosse practice was cancelled for tonight so she is able to kick back and relax a little. This is a really good thing since she has a lacrosse game tomorrow night.

Well, her last track meet will be next Thursday. I guess if she places well in any of the events at the District meet the next place to go is the State meet. Wish her luck!

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Hang in there, Katya ! Don't let the injury dooms you.. hopefully, it is not serious.. love you bunches..