Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bryson Communications is Moving Offsite

This is a huge and monumental thing! Bob has been working at this company for around four years or more now and they are finally stable enough to move offsite.

Bob found an office space that is centrally located in Bend (not the one over the Westside Bakery unfortunately - probably the best for me trying to lose weight though) and is a huge space. There is a little area that is like a reception area, a huge conference room/lunch room area, a good sized space for Rick, an office with no windows for all the lab equipment, a window office for Bob, a nice little bathroom, a network closet that has easy access to all the phone wiring and cables and a big storage closet for food and whatnot.

One of the reasons that the space was so cheap is that it was kind of beat up and dated looking. Well, Bob seems to love a good remodel effort so we have been doing our best to fix it up. I have logged over 30 hours in painting time myself. I have been getting up at 5am, feeding Logan and then going to the office and painting until 9:30 or 10am. Bob was getting up with the kids and taking care of them until I got back. One of the reasons that it was taking me so long was that I had to put primer on most of the walls because they were so messed up. I only have three walls in the bathroom and some touch up painting to do and then I am DONE. It looks so much better though. Bob even had me paint the ceiling panels so they look like new. Smokers were in there before and the panels were that awful dingy yellow from nicotine.

Bob was working (at least trying to work) a full day and then would go to the office at night and rip off old baseboards and stain the new baseboards. He also cleaned vent fans, replaced air filters, shop vac'd the metal strips that hold the ceiling panels, cleaned the bottoms of those same strips to get the yellow off and has been laying this whole thing out in his mind how he wants it. One day he came to bed at 4:30am. He has been working non-stop on this office.

We have been working on this place since last Tuesday so today makes it a week. He had my Uncle Mark and one of our old carpenters there all weekend (except yesterday) to help to put new trim around the baseboards and all the doors to update the office. Thank you Uncle Mark!!! I am hoping that we are ready to move in this week.

When the trim is finished and I do my touch up painting, I will take some more pictures to show you a before and after. It should be a nice space for years to come.

And have I mentioned that I get the space downstairs currently occupied by Bryson Communications as my art room/lounge area (since my real art room has a long ways to go to completion)? I'm planning on painting the room light orange, moving the futon and the foos ball table in there and finally having a place for my scrapbooking!! Katya is looking forward to having a place to escape screaming babies, do homework in quiet and have her girlfriends over to watch movies and eat popcorn until way too late in the evening.

This means that I need a name for my new room. Do you have any suggestions?

My Mom suggested the "Lizard Lounge".

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