Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!

Today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary.

It is hard to believe that they have been married that long. I remember the day that I first met my Dad. It is too bad that I was so mean to him for so many years. He didn't deserve it. The fact that he stuck it out with my mom (and me by default) is amazing. I have learned a lot by watching my parents relationship over the years. I am much more aware of what is truely important, when you should give and when you should take, when to put your foot down and when to just roll with it and what it really means to "be there" for your spouse through good times and bad.

To mark the occasion, they are going on a cruise with their friends from Barcelona to Istanbul in August. What an amazing trip that will be!

So.... Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!


Aimee said...

Happy Anniversary Richard & Cathy! 25 years, holy cow!

Mandee said...

Yes, I 2nd that Holy Cow!

Happy Anniversary! What a great day to get married. Almost as good as the 31st- our anniversary! (6 years this year for us, although it feels like it's been 12.)

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy 25th Anniversary ! Well, you both survived and be blessed for this :-) Yeah, I have learned from watching you and Richard, and learn from it with my marriage to my husband, David (your hard head son:wonder where did the gene comes from?-- that Cathy always says that) yet lovely !

Hope you find something special on your 25th Anniversary !

Love you guys,