Saturday, April 21, 2007


I have a bit of a quandry on my hands.

A few months ago, Bob did some volunteer work for a private school here in Bend. A new cell tower was constructed very close to their school and they had made it known to the local paper that they were afraid that the RF would somehow hurt the children attending the school. Bob called them and volunteered his time to go out there and do the RF readings on the tower (his prior experience at Qualcomm had come in handy) to let them know how strong they were.

In return, the school mailed us a $100 gift certificate to a local restaurant called Baltazar's.

While visiting with my neighbor a few weeks after receiving the gift certificate she proceeded to tell me how her and her husband went to dinner at that very restaurant. She had taken her four month old baby with them since he was still being nursed. Evidently the wait staff was extremly rude to them and told them that they would have to put the baby on the floor since they didn't have highchairs. They have no intention of every returning to the restaurant.

Then I just received an email from the mother's group that I belong to here in Bend with a woman's account of her experience at the same restaurant. She had a similar experience as my neighbor and she wrote a letter to the manager expressing her dissatisfaction for the rudeness she received there. He called her back and basically told her he didn't like children and he didn't want them in his restaurant. He then told her off with some profanity and hung up on her.

So, I now have this gift certificate for a restaurant owned and operated by a jerk. It isn't just the fact that he doesn't want children there, it is that he was such a jerk to this woman. Now, the demographics of Bend are such that basically everyone that doesn't already have a kid is pregnant or planning on getting pregnant some time soon. This guy has just cut off a huge portion of the dining patrons of Bend.

What do I do? Do I have someone babysit long enough for us to use this gift certificate sans kids knowing the experiences of other people? Do I just not use the gift certificate at all? Do I save it and give it to someone else who doesn't have kids? Do I go in and ask for a the dollar value in cash for the certificate knowing they most likely won't give it to me? I could use some suggestions.


Aimee said...

I say you use the gift certificate. It has already been paid for, and you would be just giving him the money if you don't use it. That would not be the way to get back at him.

Mandee said...

I was in the middle of typing my hugely opinionated comment, when I had to tend to a child, and while I was away, the teenager in our home jumped on the computer and lost my comment.

Anyway, I say either take all of your kids and make them suffer, or give it away to someone without kids. I have a hard time patronizing any place with bad customer service.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I would do is try to get cash for the card. Explain, very nicely, that you understand and respect that he chooses to not serve children in his establishment. Then explain that you have two small infants and that rather than intrude on his private company with your children that you would rather get cash back for the card please. Act like your doing him a favor by not bringing your kids.

If that doesn't work remember that you and Bob deserve a date night and this is a free date. Get a baby sitter (since rude service would put a damper on your date) use up every last dollar on that card and never frequent that establishment again. One dinner wont make him rich so it's okay to use the card since it was already paid for. Or order everything as takeout and feed your kids in the comfort of your own home without the rude service.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Take out! That's the best way for you to use the money and not have to worry about the policy. It does sometimes feel more satisfying to "get even," but then you run the risk of being as much of a jerk as he is.
Another option, which Brett did with one gift certificate I gave him, is to sell it on ebay. YOu can usually get back all but about $5.

Deby said...

I think we are going with the take out food idea. I just couldn't stand being in that restaurant. I guess the local paper got wind of everyone's experiences and is doing an article on the place. Thanks for all the suggestions!