Monday, April 16, 2007

Kid Update

Hey ya'll (as Debbie K. would say),

I figured that it has been a while since I gave a general update on my kids.

Katya - She has started off the Spring sports season with two sports; lacrosse & track. She has track practice four days a week for 90 minutes. She has been trying out different events to see which ones that she likes the best. I think that she is going to try for the 200 sprint, 400 low hurdles, 800 and maybe long jump or high jump. The nice thing is that she can try every event to see which ones that she likes. Her first track meet is this Thursday. Katya has also started lacrosse. She has lacrosse practice two days a week for 90 minutes. This girl is burning some serious calories. Her first lacrosse game is May 1st (my parents wedding anniversay!). Katya is only one of three girls on her team, but she is a serious player as are the other two girls. She has a lot of fun putting those boys in their place on the field. School is still going well and she is still holding her 4.0. This upcoming Saturday is the school's talent show - Cascade Idol. Katya will be doing a vocal number and she sounds great. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Alexis - She has been really into the whole put things in and then take things out. This includes food into and out of her bowl, legos into and out of any container, herself into and out of boxes, baby items for Logan and toys. I keep a small laundry hamper downstairs because we generate so many dirty baby clothes and blankets. Alexis enjoys taking everything out of the laundry hamper and putting them on her head and walking around the house. Alexis still isn't all that interested in talking verbally yet. She has a few words; doggie, daddy, mama and something that kind of sounds like kitty. She generally is just a happy little girl with a ton of energy.

Logan - We are starting to see a bit more personality from Logan. He loves to be held close and have someone stare at him. He is starting to coo and giggle and smile from ear to ear. It is really sweet to see. Although he has turned over from his front to his back a while ago, he is not all that interested in repeating it. He HATES tummy time and spends most of the time on his stomach screaming his head off. When he is unhappy he sticks his lower lip out in a full-fledged pout before he lets loose with the most heart wrenching sob. At this point, I am thinking he will be the sensitive one. We'll have to get to know him a little better before I can know for sure.


Mandee said...

He has the sweetest little face!

Mandee said...
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Anonymous said...

He is so cute! And he gets the lip quivering from his daddy! Bob totally did the lip thingy when he was a kid!

Laura and the family said...

It is so cute to see the picture of Katya and Logan sleeping next to each other, especially Katya holding her cell phone. Good thing (hopefully), the phone didn't interrupt their beauty.