Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Favorie Bizarre Critter

I am a huge science fiend. I love the science channel, I love museums and I love my Discover magazine. I have been getting a subscription for so many years now, I lost count.

In my April issue there is a photo spread of some of the coolest looking critters I have ever seen. They are all creatures of the deep abyss. They are found more than two miles down in the deepest parts of the ocean. Katya and I were having a good time picking out our favorite creature. Hers is the Vampire Squid. Also totally cool looking.

My current favorite funky creature is the Grimpoteuthis. Also known as the "Dumbo octopus", the Grimpoteuthis is a benthic mollusc found on the ocean floor at depths of 300-400 meters. Dumbo octopuses, which can grow to up to 20 centimeters, are soft-bodied or semi- gelatinous octopuses with a pair of fins located on their mantle and webbing between their arms. Grimpoteuthis swim by moving their fins, pulsing their webbed arms, pushing water through their funnel for jet propulsion, or all three at once. They can swim up off the bottom and hover a bit just above the seafloor looking for snails, worms, and other food. (this definition was taken from a website)

Anyway, I thought it looked kind of like a Pokemon. I can just imagine it saying "Dumbo Octopus, Dumbo Octopus" to Pikachu.

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