Thursday, April 5, 2007

Family Photos

Well, we finally had our famiy photo taken yesterday. It had been three years since we had a family photo with all of us in it. Needless to say, our family has expanded by two since that one picture.

There are quite a few picture places here in Bend, but all of them are private studios. Since I have so much family and I send so many pictures to people, that isn't financially feasible. Sooooooooo, we have been going to Sears since Alexis was born and I am quite impressed with the shots they get of the kids.

Our photo shoot went rather well yesterday. I am a bit disappointed with the family shot, but I think us wearing darker colors next year will be an improvement. That and the fact that I will have some more of my baby weight off. I am always hoping to get some candid shot of us out on a hike or just in the front yard, but finding someone to man the camera when those opportunities arise are few and far between. However, the pictures of the kids are just beautiful! I won't get the actual prints for two more weeks, but they provided them to me via the web for viewing and ordering more prints if I wanted.

I think the kids pictures are darling. I hope you enjoy them.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Gorgeous family! I am trying to pull together a family photo shoot..but I can't find good clothes for all of us. It is a tough job all that shopping! :)