Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Beautiful Spring Day

Yesterday was the most perfect Spring day!

I was up and cleaning the house at 5:30am so I felt so accomplished by the time that Katya came down to eat breakfast before school. We had a nice visit before she took off for school.

Then I got the babies up, dressed and fed and we were out the door by 8:45am. I had joined a Hikes With Tykes class through Bend Park & Rec with my Aunt Ginger so we could do some more interesting walks. Ginger pushes Alexis in one stroller and I push Logan in the other. It was a beautiful walk that included a nice stroll by the river. According to Ginger's pedometer we did about 5 miles.

I felt so good when I got home. Alexis had slept a little bit in the stroller, so when we got home she was wide awake. After the normal diaper changing and feeding of the short ones we went outside and played on the front patio. I put warm water into her water table and sat with Logan and watched Alexis play. She played in the water for a few minutes and then pulled the plug on the bottom. She realized that the water level was going down so she plugged it back up. Then she looked under the table and back at the plug. Then she pulled the plug again and then bent over and watched the rest of the water drain out the bottom and all over the patio. The water fun was short lived. Then while she was on her slide and playing with her ball I decided to put her playhouse together. I got it all together and most of the screws in, but to finish the roof I need someone to push the roof down while I screw it in. At least it is all together so she can play with it.

Alexis played for about two hours before she finally wore herself out enough to take her nap. While she slept, I watered all of my beautiful flowers that have popped up all over the yard. I even have one blooming tulip to enjoy. The rest haven't bloomed and the deer haven't come over for any snacks yet. I bought a bag of Dahlias to put somewhere in the yard and I am trying to figure out where to put them. I enjoy putzing in my yard, it is relaxing.

Unfortunately, my fabulous day was cut short after I picked up Katya from track practice. As we pulled into the driveway steam started pouring out from under the hood of my Durango. My gauges didn't read anything being hot so I just shut the engine off. Coolant poured out of the bottom of my truck all over the driveway. BUMMER! I had some warranty work done last month and evidently it wasn't done too well. AAA had the truck towed to the dealership for repair. So, here I sit at home without any car. Wah!

At least I have beautiful flowers to look at while I am stuck at the house.

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