Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Window

I have said before about just how much remodeling we have done to this house. It really is turning out to be a nice and comfy place to live. With the addition of Bob's former office downstairs as useable space, this house now has enough room. If only we had one more bedroom so that Alexis and Logan woudln't have to share. Oh well, you can't have everything.

Anyway.... there were only three windows in the house that didn't get replaced and those were in Katya's room. Her bedroom was finished before any other room in the house, so when the full extent of window replacement became known she was already in her bedroom. Two of her windows don't open, they are merely for letting light in. The other one sits over her bed (and as I found out this winter) lets a nice chilly breeze flow over her head when she sleeps.

Well, she now has a new double-paned, low E, laminated, argon gas filled, super high energy efficient window over her bed. It is amazing to me the difference that a new window can make to the comfort of a room. (Doesn't she have a nice view?) I replaced three windows in my townhome in Poway and it made the biggest difference with our comfort in that place.

They managed to save the old trim around the window (otherwise I would have had to change the trim for all three windows and her closet) but it needs some spackle and paint to clean it up before Katya gets here next week for a visit. Some day I will update the trim in her bedroom, but that will be when I figure out how to replace the two other windows in her bedroom. They are oddly shaped and I don't really like them. However, replacing them with something else will be difficult since they are specially framed on the outside of the house. Some day I hope to have an epiphany about them that won't cost a fortune. Or I win the lottery. I hope to have everything painted, her wall paint touched up, bedding washed (from all the dust and whatnot) and room ready for her one week mid-summer visit.

I have WAY too many projects!!

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