Tuesday, May 6, 2008


As if the sickness gods were not mean enough to make our house a quarantine zone for the past four months - they had to get creative.

Logan just got diagnosed with Roseola. Just what is Roseola? Good question because I had no idea myself until I looked it up on the Internet. I love Google.

"A child with roseola typically develops a mild upper respiratory illness, followed by a high fever (often over 103° Fahrenheit, or 39.5° Celsius) for up to a week. During this time, the child may appear fussy or irritable and may have a decreased appetite and swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck.

The high fever often ends abruptly, and at about the same time a pinkish-red flat or raised rash appears on the child's trunk and spreads over the body. The rash's spots blanch (turn white) when you touch them, and individual spots may have a lighter "halo" around them. The rash usually spreads to the neck, face, arms, and legs."

That was basically Logan's symptoms in a nutshell. All last week he ran a really high fever for no reason and it hung around 102.5 - 103. Not much you can do for it except give them Motrin and try to make them comfy. Then on Sunday after he woke up from his nap he was covered head to toe with a red rash. Of course, the nurse advice line was closed, the urgent care clinic was closed and my only option was the Emergency room. Since he was happily crawling around the floor in the best mood he had all week, it obviously wasn't an emergency.

Luckily my neighbor is a nurse so we waited for her to come home and then asked her to come over to check him out. She looked him up and down and suggested Roseola and after a symptom verification via Google, she was right. Nothing to do except coat him with Caladryl (he is itchy), give him more Motrin (for the itches that bug him) and try to keep him happy.

Man, I hope Alexis doesn't get this!

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

I have heard "Roseola" but I did not know that it would be contiguous. I sure hope Alexis does not get this either.

Give my baby a kiss for me! Keep us posted.