Tuesday, May 20, 2008

High School???

I can't believe that as of this September, I will be the parent of a high schooler.

How is that possible? I remember high school all too well. The cliques, the jocks, the losers, the geeks, the techies, the brainiacks, the horrid food, the teachers I loved, the teachers I hated, lots of sports, the push to stay fashionable, the push to stay thin, school dances, first dates, prom ....all that pressure!

Last night was our first orientation-type meeting at the high school. It was mostly a big push by the high school to get kids involved in sports and clubs so they take ownership of their high school years and enjoy them. I admit, doing cross-country and track were some of my best high school memories. I am all for kids getting involved.

But come on!! This means that in four years my little girl will be heading out into the world to attend college all by herself. I am so not ready for this!

This December she will get her learners permit to drive. DRIVE!!! God help all the other drivers in Bend.

Sixteen is just around the corner and that means - DATING!!!

Where did the years go? All I did was blink and she went from being the cute little girl with the big brown eyes and stubborn streak to this tall, beautiful, smart young woman who is heading into some of the most memorable years of her life.

Oh yeah, she is the class of 2012. That floored me most of all for some reason.


Laura and the family said...

I remember when I first met her-- she was three sticking her RED HOT candy ball out of her mouth in a front of car air condition. Now, she has become the most beautiful young, brilliant woman.

You say she is stubborned,that's good! It runs in our family.

Suggestion: to add a picture of her when she was small to now. It will amaze everyone in the family.

Occidental Girl said...

I hear you. My daughter is seven but I already feel her slipping through my fingers and out the door to the world outside. Already!