Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tumbling Class

Well, this morning was Alexis' first tumbling class at Cascade All Star Gymnastics. I feel that I got more of a workout than Alexis did. Luckily, Logan just sat in his carseat and sang for most of the class.

Ginger put it so well when I told her that I signed her up for this class. "It will be like trying to herd cats". That was pretty much the class.

Oh yeah, Alexis doesn't like being told what to do. A trait passed down to her from her mother AND her father. And she has no concept of "taking turns" or "waiting". She was so frustrated with me not letting her just do what she wanted, she spent most of the class screaming at me in frustration. Then there was the back arching, the noodle (going limp), and kicking. I was afraid the teacher would ask us to leave.

Every once in a while I would make her do something and (heaven forbid) she actually liked it. She also has remarkable balance on the balance beam. She has no problem whatsoever putting one foot in front of the other to walk on the skinniest of planks. She just hustles right along and tries to jump off when she runs into the kid in front of her. There was also the jumping into the marshmallow pit (a pit filled with super soft and squishy foam blocks). She just leapt right off that three foot ledge. I will never let her get too close to the river. The girl has no concept of self preservation yet.

I was obviously frustrated and a couple of mothers assured me that their kids did the same thing. One wasn't going to come back after the first class, but since she had paid for it her husband guilted her into going back. Now her little girl just follows right along and was perfect. Someday I hope to have the perfect child in this class and assure some other frazzled mother that their child will grow into the class. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Hang in there... it is only a phrase to get it through when it comes to "taking turns." It took a while for both of my boys reached the concepts until they continue to be reminded...Another example, our family's concept is to be independent. Teaching and letting them to be independent is our testing from our children..Promise you it will pass by.