Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I am trying to get organized again. I used to be so organized it made me the fodder of jokes. My files were all color coded, my cabinets perfectly organized, my papers put away, laundry perfectly stacked...etc. What happened?

Well, as I remember it:
1. I moved up here. I was still recovering from my last arm surgery so I was restricted from packing my own boxes. I hired a moving company to pack everything for me. Things got into boxes in a way that I never would have done.

2. I had my house under a state of constant remodeling for seven months. I had everything in the garage forever and I didn't even get my living room furniture returned to the living room until the week before Christmas.

3. I had Alexis. Infants take up a lot of time, as everyone knows.

4. I tried getting a part time job for a few months. That didn't work out too well.

5. I found out I was pregnant again. That explained my cronic fatigue and mood swings (I'm sorry you had to live with a crazy lady Diana!)

6. I had Logan. One baby takes a lot of time, two take time you didn't know you had.

So.... my life is an unorganized mess. Well, with the exception of my refridgerator and the cupboards under my sinks. Those look great! My computer armoire is overflowing with papers, my file drawers are bursting at the seams with papers I'm sure I can shred, my newly aquired paperwork for Bryson Communications still needs to be organized and everything entered into Quickbooks.

I've finally become disgusted with myself and started on the path to organization again. My computer armoire is getting there. I have found some CDs to get rid of, some things that need a home and a lot of stuff to file or shred. I've been entering itemized receipts and credit card charges into Quickbooks for Bob's company. I have to go back to January, so it will take a while. I finally got Quickbooks balanced with his payroll and checking accounts. I'm getting there. It's hard to type while you have a squirmy Logan on your lap trying to suck on your arm. (He currently has the hick ups and he is chewing on his finger again.)

Let's not even talk about pictures, baby books or scrapbooking.

But, I'm headed in the right direction! Wish me luck in my continued progress towards organized living.


Laura and the family said...

I'm in the same boat...the more your infants get older, it gets easier especially when you are not working. I'm doing the same thing over the summer. Hang in there, Deby.

Ginger said...

coughOCD.... excuse me! Good luck in your venture....Ha!

Laura and the family said...

I guess that s why we understand each other a lot__ the OCD habits!

Anonymous said...

Hi Boss! Dale just showed me your blog and I am shell shocked at a couple of things. First and foremost is that you are trying to get organized! You're the most organized person I've ever met! Secondly is at how big Katyana now. It doesn't seem that long ago that she was the little girl hanging out in our office. Where did the time go. Miss you, hope all is well. Take care of yourself. -Aaron Morici

Anonymous said...

I feel some of your pain. My house is smaller and I don't have kids, but it's still hard to stay organzied, especially when typing/filing/lifting boxes hurts your armd. That pain I totally feel with you! The next time I file I will send happy, orgnazied thoughts your way!