Friday, June 29, 2007

New Haircut

What is it about a new haircut? You almost always leave feeling refreshed, relaxed, and (dare I say it) pretty. I love the way my hair looks and feels after Shelby (my gal) styles my hair. I have stick straight hair that is very silky and smooth. Hence, it doesn't hold a curl or a barrette unless extreme measures are taken. Since I have about three minutes to do my hair every day, it never looks that good until my next appointment.

I thought I'd share before something gets in it, I have to pull it back or Logan pulls out a handful.


Mandee said...

I love it! Very stylish!

Laura and the family said...

Good looking on you!

If you dare when you and I go for a haircut, we can post before and after pictures with and without make-up. It is like we are in Glamour Magazine.