Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Logan's First Haircut

Last week was finally time for Logan's first haircut. He had this amazingly cute little curly que on the back of his neck which I was going to leave for a while longer, but Logan is at that "I like to put food in my hair as styling gel" point in his life. I was always pulling chunks of food out of his hair. Yulk.

Well, he did not take it like a man at all. He cried and carried on through the entire three minute haircut. He even had his pacifier quivering while it was in his mouth. I really wish I could have video taped it, but I ended up having to hold him while they finished.

We went to the same place that I had taken Alexis and I got a little certificate with a picture of him crying (so cute), the date, his name and a lock of his hair so I can put it in his baby book (which I really should start some day).

But it is all over and he looks quite handsome. Here are some pictures from his ordeal.

Doesn't he look cute? He wouldn't sit still in the little car or on the dinosaur.
They tried blowing bubbles and handing him toys to distract him, but nothing worked.
Post ordeal sitting in his stroller. Isn't he handsome?

All that haircutting really wiped him out and he crashed on the four minute drive home.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Ahhhh, he sure is a young handsome boy. Please give him my kiss.

I remember when both of my sons cried when they first got hair cut. The difficult part was making them sit still-- it took me about 3 years to finally get the boys to settle themselves down.