Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April is Earth Month

In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, I will be posting blogs with great ideas that I have either read or heard about for being environmentally conscious in the month of April.

After all, we only get one Earth. We need to take care of it.

Here are some quick ideas to go “Green”:
- Keep a trash bag in your car and pick up garbage that you might find when you are out and about. (My mother always taught me to leave a place cleaner than when I got there)
- Use reusable bags when shopping
- Take shorter showers
- Turn the water off when brushing your teeth
- Recycle
- Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies
- Use old t-shirts instead of cleaning wipes when cleaning
- Unplug small appliances and devices when not in use to save energy
- Compost
- Use old food containers and bread bags instead of plastic sandwich bags
- Start a garden and grow your own veggies
- Turn the heat down in your house
- Use cloth napkins in lunch boxes instead of paper napkins
- Shop at your local farmers market
- Pack kid lunches in reusable containers or lunch bags
- Turn off lights when not in the room
- Use compact florescent bulbs
- Use biodegradable poop bags for your dog
- Wash clothes in cold water
- Return hangers to the dry cleaners
- Pick products that use a percentage of post consumer waste even if it costs a little bit more
- Sell unwanted items in garage sales or or give them away on instead of carting them to the dump
- Plant a tree in your yard or look for a tree planting day that you can help with in your area
- Wash your old Ziploc bags and reuse them
- Pay your bills online
- Buy organic
- Recycle those plastic grocery bags at the store (there is a big box at the entrance for them)

If you have a good idea for going green, I’d love to hear it!


Mandee said...

I've recently found my green side, and started recycling. But I've been wondering what other things I could do to make a difference and to teach my kids good, earth-conscious habits! Thanks for so many great ideas! Looking forward to reading more.

Laura and the family said...

Send e-vitation and e-greeting cards would be another thing to save from losing so many trees (papers) and money on stamps.

My mom used newspapers for cleaning windows after reading the newspaper.

Just a thought- use empty egg cartons to put the washable paints for kids to use.

That's all I can think of it especially at this time of hour.

Unknown said...

Buy a electric lawn mower. Black and Decker has a cordless rechargeable lawn mower that is much better for the environment than a gas powered mower...and with today's gas prices cheaper in the long run.