Saturday, April 5, 2008

Stopping Those Catalogs

Don’t we all get inundated with catalogs that we don’t even want? The holidays are especially bad for me. My mailbox is filled with them (most I have never heard of before) and I only really use a select few.

I read a blurb in my Body + Soul magazine that said that Americans get an estimated 19 billion catalogs a year at a cost of 53 million trees. I like trees. We need trees.

What to do? Log on to a new free service called Catalog Choice ( Indicate which merchant’s mailing lists you want to opt out of (it’s helpful if you have the catalog in front of you) and say goodbye to a mailbox full of things you don’t want!


Laura and the family said...

What a waste for those who didn't care about the tree environment? Also, the companies who sell the magazines also does not show any empathy for the existed animals that they were once depended on the trees.

I will start protest against selling the unnecessary magazines in my mailbox! Thank you for posting this up!

Anonymous said...

It is so much easier to just go on-line and order off of the website than it is to deal with all the catalogs. I used the services of MyJunkTree to stop all the catalogs I no longer wanted. It was quick and easy. Not only did I stop teh catalogs I was able to Stop Junk Mail that was coming to my home. No more weekly coupons, credit card offers, and even the phone books have stopped. It is nice to go to the mail box now. One final note when shopping on-line make sure you let them know to not put you on thier mailing list or you will start the monster all over again.