Monday, August 27, 2007

Where to start?

I am sitting here looking at three weeks worth of mail, business receipts, business bills, our home bills, magazines, flyers, mailers...etc. I am a bit overwhelmed and am not really sure where to attack first.

Know that feeling? Too much to do and some projects just seem just so huge you want to go and sit on the couch and pretend they will shrink on their own? That is me right now.

Then as I look to my left I see two huge piles of laundry that are calling my name. To my right are even MORE papers and assorted stuff on the kitchen counter that need tending to. Then there is the cleaning that needs to get done.

I also am researching how to waterproof a walk out deck so I can attempt to do this on my own before winter hits. I have a beautiful little covered deck off of my living room that I haven't been able to use for a year and I'm going to try it myself. I'm sure I'll be able to get to this in all my spare time - yeah, right.

If I hope to get anything done, I better stop blogging and get to it.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Yeah, you bet I do know the feelings! There are times I wanna to have kids out of my way so I can get my projects going.. and even better not going to work.