Saturday, August 18, 2007

My New Inspiration

I've got some weight to lose.

Ok, I have basically been pregnant for two years. With both pregnancies I did really well in gaining less than 35 pounds each time. The only problem was that I was only NOT pregnant for 3 months in between. I got to my pre-Logan weight, but now I need to get to my pre-Alexis weight. We're talking a good twenty pounds.

Now, I have never really been chubba in my life. There have been times when I had a good 10 pounds that I most definately needed to lose - but nothing like what I have to lose now. I was blessed from an early age with being thin. For the most part I have been able to eat what I wanted when I wanted as long as I did consistant exercise.

It is that exercise part that I have a hard time doing enough of lately. It is hard working around the schedule of two little ones under two.

Now, I know that I am one of those unlucky ladies who do not lose all of their baby weight until they stop nursing. I found this out when I had Katya. But Logan is almost seven months old now and when he turns one he starts to get his milk from Ol' Betsy the organic cow instead of me.

So...I have been looking at ways to start losing the rest of this weight with both exercise (I hope Logan starts to sleep through the night soon so I have more energy for this part), cutting out sugar (I'm usually pretty good at home anyway), and looking at pharmaceutical aids like protein shakes and the like. Obviously walking the dog five days a week wasn't quite enough. All of this weight stuff can be depressing and every time you see a picture of yourself all chubba you want to throw it away. I know that everyone has their target weight (some being more realistic than others), but I just want to get back to a weight where I know I feel good. Besides, I have bins of clothes in my old size that are just waiting for me to fit into them again.

I have new inspiration to jump back on my fitness bandwagon when I get home to Bend. My mother announced at the Unbirthday party that my parents are going to pay for a Disney cruise for all of their children and grandchildren in two years. Now, I KNOW that these cruises are spendy so I am planning on having my parents move in with me at some point because they will be flat broke. (Don't tell my mother, she wants to be someplace with her girlfriends taking road trips to Las Vegas)

All that we have to do it pay for our airfare to get to the boat. No problem. We can do that.

Anyway, I was thinking that two years is more than reasonable for my fitness goal. YUP - my new goal is to be bikini worthy by the time I get myself on that ship. Now, let's be serious here. I have had three children, will be 39 by the time of this trip, will at no point be getting my meals shipped to my door or a personal trainer and I have more than a few little imperfections on my legs so a bikini I will NOT be wearing. BUT, I can be worthy of a bikini. I hope.

Wish me luck! I think I will paste Mickey ears in my closet to remind me of my goal.


Mandee said...

SO, I saw my doctor in May, and was complaining about not being able to lose the baby weight. I've got a good 10 pounds to shed... 15, ideally. His advice-

DO NOT eat between 6pm and 6am.

Exercise first thing in the morning.

Eliminate carbonated drinks.

Limit calories to anywhere between 1200-1600 per day.

I did this for a month (actually I didn't exercise, but I followed the diet part of it, and lost 5 lbs (probably water) immediately, and another 5 within the next 2 weeks.

And after our trip to CA, I need to go back on that diet.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Deby. I think I'll put Mickey's Ears on the fridge!