Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Katya, my friend Desiree, Logan, Alexis and myself all went to my most favorite Chinese food place ever - China Fun.

I have never eaten at any other restaurant that could equal the wonderful food that they make. Their Sesame Chicken is divine and I love their Veggie Lo Mein too.

I was unsure about what Alexis would eat so I put a plate in front of her and gave her a little bit of everything we had ordered: Sesame Chicken, white rice, Veggie Lo Mein, some eggroll and some veggies in some kind of yummy sauce that Desiree ordered. While I was trying to get her a spoon, she reached over without my noticing, grabbed my chopsticks and proceeded to eat. Wouldn't you know it - she actually got some noodles on those things and ate her lunch that way.

I must get some chopsticks for her at home.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

She'll put an eye out! If not hers, Logans!