Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Grandpa's 89th B-Day Party

My grandpa is 89 years old. blink twice and - what - twenty five years have gone by? I still remember sitting on his lap eating ice cream out of his half gallon (he never bothered with a bowl) with an iced tea spoon and talking his ear off while he was trying to watch a football game on his little black and white tv.

My grandpa is one amazing guy. He is walking on his treadmill, grows the most amazing orchids, still drives (that is a scary thought) and keeps busy with the house and with church. I want to age like him.

There was a little birthday celebration for him last weekend and I wanted to share a few pictures.


Ginger said...

*Sniff* I miss everyone soooo much! Grandpa is pretty awesome. and the pics of guys and babies are adorable.

Laura and the family said...

How did Logan react when Doug made a marvelous facial expression???