Saturday, October 13, 2007

What is up with movies?

It has happened more times now than I can remember. We rent a movie from Netflix that we hear is highly recommended or funny. We sit down as a family on a Friday or Saturday night and pop in the DVD. About thirty minutes into the movie we take it out and watch something recorded on our DVR.

The profanity, the crude humor, the constant stream of sexual implications - how is this getting into a PG-13 movie? How can people say this is funny? I think we have seen parts of three movies now that we think could have been great, funny and "must buy" movies if they had just done without all the profane words, crude humor and sex references.

It is a shame that Hollywood thinks that all of that is required for people to want to go see a movie. I would assume that the continued decline in movie theater ticket sales might be a clue. But, I guess they are a bit slow in getting the message. And obviously they don't have children because people in their right mind would never take their kids to see those movies.

The latest movie in our series of disappointments? "Knocked Up". What a total shame. It could have been cute. It could have been funny. All of us (including Katya) were just so put off after the first fifteen minutes.

I now have a lot of openings on my Netflix queue. Does anyone care to share some of their favorite movies? Considering I haven't been to a movie in a theater in two years, it is safe to say I haven't seen it. The last movie I saw was "The Chronicles of Narnia". FABULOUS movie by the way.


Jen said...

Hmmm, I would check out the oldies but goodies category if there is one.

Last night we watched "Robin Hood". Yeup, the Kevin Costner one. The DVD is so old that we had to flip it over halfway through the movie. We sat there, trying to figure out why it just bugged out in the middle of the flick. I thought maybe the disc was scratched. Yikes! BUT... everyone enjoyed it even though there are some fairly hokey moments.

Earlier this weekend Scott and I watched "The Last Starfighter" (on TV). That's a good one too even if the special effects are pretty dated.

rabidrunner said...

How about "The Court Jester" with Danny Kaye (1955). Very funny... or maybe it's just me.

Laura and the family said...

I figure you might want to hear from your favorite brother's comment about this subject.

How about some of Disney Movies. Let me suggest those idea...try check with "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", hmm? That's old classic! Interest? :)

Have you seen Disney's Bambi II? Disney's Jungle Book? Jungle Book II? It has selling DVD right there in store. Disney's Ratatouille? It will release DVD on Nov. 6th. Disney's Meet the Robinsons? It will release DVD on October 23. Disney's Little Einsteins Movies Series? It is good education for kids to watch. My boys love that movie!

There is another no disney movies. Check with "Grave of the Fireflies" made by Japanese. It's really good one that you should see this. It will touch in your heart by end of this movie!

So...What do you think of this, hmm?

Love, Bro.

Aimee said...

I agree, about 15 minutes into Knocked Up we were both asleep...but I would have turned it off anyway. It was awful!

Unknown said...

I'd just like to point out that Knocked Up was rated R for sexual content, drug use and language.