Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lots of New Words

Alexis has finally decided that it might be kind of cool to learn to speak.

I mean, she gets her point across without words quite well. The combination of her sign language skills and her little grunts, squeaks and screams work very effectively.

But, she is now using tons of new words! Out of the blue! And she sounds just so darn cute!!!

So far in the past two days I have heard these new words:

- Please (one of my favorite words)
- Mom (another one of my favorite words)
- Shoes
- Socks
- Nose
- Mouth
- Eyes
- Sit
- Bailey (the dog)
- Debbie
- Cheese
- Up

I'm loving this sudden explosion of speech. Her voice is darling and I can't wait to hear more of it.


Laura and the family said...

You are lucky dog that your daughter speaks at this early age !!?!

Anonymous said...

It's so fun when they start talking!