Monday, October 8, 2007

Go Boo Someone

It's Halloween time! Time for little kids to dress up as their favorite princess, ninja turtle or bug and wear those costumes EVERYWHERE! Time for candy, bobbing for apples, spooky movies and fake cobwebs hanging from your front porch.

It is also the time to go and stir up some Halloween fever in your neighborhood by "Booing" your neighbors and friends.

Our house was "Booed" last year and it was so cool! It was such a treat to open the door and see a cute little bag decorated with a poem and filled with candy inside just for us. It kinda makes you feel special and puts you in the mood for the slew of holidays to come. And then you get to be sneaky by prepping a bag for two of your other neighbors. The kids get to do recon to see who has and has not been "Booed" yet and then they are the ones to sneak to their front door, hit the doorbell and then hide (yet still be able to spy on who actually retrieved the package).

I was at Target and saw a little "Boo" bag and I decided to start it up this year for our street. Katya plans on hitting all of her friends houses after she gets her bags ready. I don't have the money to buy these pre-done bags for everyone so I bought one for the poem and made our own with lunchbags. I also found a cool picture of a ghost and popped into Word and put "I've Been Booed" and printed a few copies.

So, assemble your own bags and start up some Halloween spirit on your street.
- Print out a document that says "You've Been Booed" along with the poem below on it and staple it to a brown lunch bag or a plastic pumpkin (whatever you've got)
- Print out a document with a large friendly looking ghost that says "I've Been Booed" for them to put on their door so they don't get hit again.
- Put some yummy candy and treats in the bag and you are good to go!

This Treat is for you.
We hope you enjoy.
The idea is simple,
one we hope you employ.
You pass “BOO” along to 2 other neighbors.
Along with any kind of Halloween Favors.
If we all do our part,
and spread the good cheer,
by Halloween night it will be very clear.
We’re a friendly bunch,
we like to share fun,
so please do your part
and keep “BOO” on the run!


Laura and the family said...

Make sure to take pictures of your Booed bag!

Deby said...

If anyone would like the electronic files that I used, just let me know and I would be happy to send them to you.

Anonymous said...

send 'em my way - we love to go "booing." Autie just asked me tonight when we were going to get started. But every year I go through the same where is that poem???

Mandee said...

My kids love this! I guess it's time to get started, huh!?