Monday, October 29, 2007

Catching Up

Isn't it funny how easy it is to fall behind in something? I'm still getting over my plague (Katya is now in bed with it) and since I am feeling better (although my voice sounds really sultry still) I am attempting to catch up on all my chores.

I have a lot of chores.

Yesterday I began the arduous journey of trying to get a hold on the laundry situation. There was so much I just dumped it over the railing from the second floor to the first and created a nice mountain that Alexis had a good time trying to climb. It is more like rolling hills now that I have done umpteen many loads of laundry. The machines are still going. I am surprised there isn't smoke coming off them.

Last night my darling of a husband cleaned the kitchen and I started the dishwasher this morning. The floor still crunches when I walk so I think I should concentrate on that soon. Thank goodness we don't have ants here or I would have a colony living in my dining room! Then there are the toys and puzzle pieces strewn all over the house. My paperwork mountain sitting on my desk is in dire need of attention too. It is almost the end of the month and I need to send stuff out for the business. Oh yeah, I have a nice pile of ironing to do too. I am too cheap to send all of it out to the drycleaners when I can do some myself and save money. Then there is all the prep work for Halloween and Christmas that I am starting to think about. (The holidays are fun work though.)


Well, I'm heating some hot water for tea so I can attempt to catch up on my life.

I hope you all are more caught up than me!!


Laura and the family said...

Nah,I am also behind especially I haven't start my Christmas shopping. I will do after Halloween ends. Eeeck!

Mandee said...

The holidays are fun work, I totally agree.