Wednesday, October 3, 2007

To Cook or Not to Cook

....that is the question here today.

I went to the grocery store yesterday and got some basics. I'm talking milk, eggs, yogurt, bread, veggies, cereal, cream cheese...nothing exciting. The only splurge item that I got was a magazine. And WITH our coupons and club card savings totaling $43.79 it still cost $140.00 for a weeks worth of groceries.

What is the deal?

If I cook at home all week, make lunches for everyone, make snacks and cookies (and other wonderful baked goods) we spend more on food than if we just did frozen junk from COSTCO most nights. Now I KNOW that it is healthier for all of us for me to cook. I make things that are much lower in fat and sodium than we could get frozen. And I would most certainly hope to say that my cooking tastes better.

But it most certainly makes me pause when I am planning what meals I will be making for the week when I think of the grocery bill. Now, keep in mind here that I married a meat and potatoes kind of guy. No meat for dinner? Well, then what is for dinner? And he thinks he has an allergy to all green veggies too. So, you can scratch those lovely veggie stir fry entrees I used to make.

Am I the only one that has sticker shock when they buy food?

Are there places to get coupons that I am unaware of? (Our local paper doesn't have the insert coupons that were in the Sunday paper that I used to get in S.D.)

Does anyone have great money saving tips that they would be willing to share?


Unknown said...

I use my crockpot a lot. Even cheap cuts of meat come out tender.

Unknown said...

I'm in a totally different family situation than you (i.e. no kids), so I don't know if my advice will be much help, but I've found many of the grocery items you've listed to be considerably cheaper at Costco (eggs, bread, etc.). Of course the hard part is avoiding all the "frozen junk", as you put it. Also, I'm a fan of the Grocery Outlet (3rd & Wilson). It took some convincing to get me in there (and I still won't buy their raw meat, even though I'm sure it's fine) but they often have great deals on cheeses, cereal, canned goods, baking supplies, etc., as well as prepared foods like frozen pizzas, canned soup, etc.. I browse the grocery circulars online at, and occasionally I will make a special trip to one of the grocery stores I don't normally frequent for a really good deal on meat (I have a dedicated carnivore at home too) so I can keep some in the freezer for weeks when nothing seems to be on sale.

Carina said...

I hate that my husband is a meat-eating-veggie hater. I guess all that hating makes us even.

Mandee said...

I am going through total sticker shock when it comes to EVERYTHING! It's ridiculous. But have you tried the lettuce wraps from Costco- they are to die for!

Cathy/Grandma/Mom said...

Oh Honey lighten up. You want preservatives, think what that word means. Also, too many accidents happen in the kitchen with all those sharp tools. No one is ever hurt whilst zapping up something in the microwave. Do you want your last meal to be tofu or chocolate cake????

Mandee said...

Great point, Cathy... great point!