What is it about those first few rays of crystal clear Spring sunlight that as they come streaming through your windows all you see are the smudgy fingerprints on the windows, the cobwebs that have somehow taken up residence in the corner, the dust bunnies that have accumulated under the couch and the general feeling that your house has turned into a pigsty?
Obviously it is a universal thing since we have a term known as "Spring Cleaning". It was never this noticable when I lived in San Diego. Probably because it was sunny and 70 - 100 every darn day. We never had a chance to get cooped up in the house and run the fireplace every night as we sat around and ate popcorn and played games or watched movies all winter long while the dust bunnies multiplied.
Well, Spring has sprung here and my little tulips are starting to pop up around my front yard and it will be amazingly beautiful in about a month. We put the carpet back on the front porch and we've pulled out the kid toys that go there so we can play there every day. I've been running around the house cleaning kiddy toys with Lysol wipes and dusting everything and berating myself for being so dirty every time that Swiffer duster comes back black.
So to all my fellow Spring Cleaners - I wish you much cleanliness. May your mop, wipe and washcloth pick up all the dirt that you can find. I hope your house has that lovely lemony scent from your cleaning products and I hope you get to enjoy it being in a perfectly clean state for at least an hour or two before your family runs back in and messes it up.
First of all, I am glad you finally got back to business in blog. I miss reading your blog.
I'm doing the same about doing the Spring Cleaning while the boys are out of my way :-)
I have major spring cleaning urges, but at the same time I still feel like hibernating. What spring really makes me want to do is redecorate and buy lots of cute shoes.
With the weather going from Spring like to snow, I'm having a hard time keeping my cleaning momentum.
All I can think about is hitting the new Trader Joe's.
Ya know, I can totally justify buying some new shoes. I was told that a website called zappos or something like that is a good bet. I can never find anything that fits my skinny feet here in Bend.
My feet are skinny too, so I have to go down a size in heels to keep from falling out of my shoes. I wear a size 9, but I discovered that I can fit in Nike youth 7's, which seem narrower than womens shoes.
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