Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Amazon's New Kindle

Ok, the inner bibliophile is coming out.

I was doing some Christmas shopping on Amazon.com my favorite store in all the world, when I saw their little promo for a new device called a Kindle.

What is a Kindle you ask? It is probably the next phase in electronic books.

I am not a fan of electronic books. I like paper. I like turning pages and flipping back and forth. I enjoy the feeling of a book in my hand as I curl up under a blanket to get lost in the story. But this Kindle thing intrigues me.

It appears to have a display that looks remarkably like paper. No glare. The images look really clear and it has the ability to download books automatically for about $10 each. It has a nice keyboard and is lightweight.

If I was still working at Qualcomm, I'd totally buy this. Can you imagine how nice it would be to travel with this thing? Not having to lug heavy books around in a carry-on? Not bringing two or three books in case you finish reading one? You can just download it. It also has the ability to download documents so you can read them electronically instead of carrying huge reams of paper. Man, that would have been a lifesaver for me before.

In the meantime I will sit back and wait for the reviews on this thing to come in. I never buy the first generation of anything - that is where most of the bugs are. If it gets a good response and it seems to be robust, I may have to look into getting one for myself. Only instead of using it primarily for work - mine will be mostly for pleasure which is better anyway.


Laura and the family said...

That's what David tells me not to buy anything in a first generation such as IPhone. Now, he is right that he is getting lots of information about bugs.

Not only to having less paper all over, it also saves some tree environments. But the bad part is that the writing part from your child's first time in writing would be lost or even using fine motor in writing if the electric continues to this way... In some way, I'd rather to use it in old fashion way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sis...

Have you heard of Sony's Reader Digital Book? Check this out....

It might have better one you are look for quality. Hmmm?
