Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch with MOPS

This year my MOPS group arranged for us to go to our local Central Oregon Pumpkin Company as a group on Thursday. This meant that we got to get the kids in for $5 each and we did a rotation of the offerings that they had there.

We started with a "train" ride. Actually it was a tractor with a train nose attached to the front. The kids LOVED it! We rode around the property and looked for all the painted characters out of the movie "Robin Hood". The trip took us next to the horses in their grazing area and the big chicken and duck coop. Alexis had a fit when we got out of the train and before we left we got to ride it one more time.

Then there was storytime (my kids couldn't have cared less, too young), the petting zoo, the play area behind the petting zoo, and the pumpkin patch. There were organized trips through the maze, but I couldn't keep them both together so we left that early. They had a patch just for school groups with little pumpkins and each kid was able to pick out one. It was a crisp 46 degrees so we bought a hot chocolate and a funnel cake that we shared with the other kids.

Alexis did her level best to avoid ever getting her picture taken and not once actually looked at the camera.

Then the end of the visit was their seemingly favorite part. They found a flat bed trailer and had the best time jumping, singing and running on it. I recorded some video of their frolicking.

It was such a good time and they were wiped out when I put them back in the car to go home.

We are still going back as a family next weekend, but it was a good time for us to go with all the other MOPS moms.


Laura and the family said...

Oh how fun to go out with other MOPS! I'm glad to see that Alexis and Logan find this place as a part of their entertainment despite of staying outside at 46 degrees.

What else do you plan to go out with MOPS once Fall Festival is over?

Laura and the family said...

P.S. I also can understand the frustration for having your child facing toward the camera. Ryan does that a LOT. He would say, "Don't take a picture of me" then run away. I frequently have to bribe him.