Saturday, October 4, 2008

"The" Bed for a Little Boy

My mom keeps telling me that boys are boys no matter how big they might become. Inside, a full grown man is really just a little boy who likes toys, just more expensive ones.

Well, the time has come to put Logan into a different bed. The crib is all of a sudden causing all kinds of problems. Logan tries to climb out (we found him hanging by his fingers once) and Alexis likes to climb in to visit. Or torment. I still haven't figured out which since she likes to do both.

We have an awesome little toddler bed that our neighbor gave us, but Logan would fling himself right out of it. He is an all-over-the bed kinda sleeper. So then that puts us at a twin. Most twin beds are too high and would require a step stool like Alexis has to get into and out of her bed. That is a bit too dangerous for a little almost two year old.

When looking on Craigs list I found a race car bed. Bob didn't know that they made race car beds for little boys in a twin size. Unfortunatly, I missed that one opportunity. Nobody else in Bend is selling a race car bed. Then comes Target and WalMart. I found a cool bed, but it was not exactly cheap. But Bob was all excited about his little boy sleeping in a race car bed. I ordered it from WalMart since they had no shipping (Target wanted to charge me $300 in shipping!) and we pick it up later this month. Bob can't stand the wait. Here is the new bed:

Now, being Mom, I don't want Alexis getting all jealous since she didn't get a princess throne bed or anything. So we sat down and I let her pick out some new bedding on-line. It is arriving from Target and will be put on her bed the same day as Logan's new bed arrives to hopefully mitigate the jealousy factor.

Man, I didn't realize this whole gender specific bed/bedding thing would hit so soon!


Mandee said...

We are going through the same thing here at our house... trying to figure out beds. My boys will be so jealous!

Laura and the family said...

Not only trying to avoid getting them jealously over others, you will be facing when they wanted your attention: hugs, kisses, and talking to you.

Did I remember you telling me correctly that they are sharing the same room??? If so, what color of wall have you decide for the kids' bedroom???