Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New Tricks

Yesterday was a day of new tricks for the kids. At least the youngest kids in the house.

Alexis was taking a nap so I had some time to visit with Logan. You know, some good one on one time. I realized that I hadn't taken very many pictures of him lately (bad mother) so I thought I'd have a litttle photo shoot with him. I set him on a toy mat for some tummy time and what did he do? He flipped over! I figured it must be a fluke so I went ahead and put him back on his stomach and got the camera ready. Well, he really didn't want to be on his tummy so he just flipped over again! I figured that since I had the camera ready, I'd get it on digital - and I did. Then he just got mad so we had to sit on the couch and cuddle because he was so exhausted from all that flipping over.

Later on last night Alexis and I were playing in the kitchen and I said something about the dogs being let in the house and what did she do? She looked at me and did the dog sign! We weren't even working on that sign. She learned it from watching her "Signing Time" videos. I was so tickled that I had to get that on video too.

I'm a sucker for my kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when they bust out a sign that the grown ups haven't been working on. Lucy would do that - she would sign a sign that I never taught her face to face, and I KNEW she learned it from Signing Time. (Which technically IS learning it from ME, but you know what I mean?)

Thanks for sharing about Signing Time!
