Friday, March 23, 2007

Flip Flops

My mother has a small problem with flip flops. She can never have enough of them. When given an opportunity to go without shoes, my mother will always take it. When forced to wear shoes, flip flops are the first thing she will put on her feet.

Her flip flops can't be dull. She likes them with jewels, sequins, in bright colors and with some kind of flair. And to set off her flip flops, my mother's toes are always beautifully painted. Usually with little flowers and a jewel. When you put that together with my Mother's toe rings and anklets, she has nicely dressed up feet.

Alexis has taken after my mother in that she really prefers to be barefooted at all times. But at the same time, she loves shoes. Only she likes to carry shoes around rather than wear them. And of course, the prettier the shoe, the more she wants to carry it around.

Well, yesterday I received a small package in the mail from my mother to Alexis. It was a beautiful pair of light blue, jeweled flip flops in her size. (Good job with that Mom!) Alexis loved them and promptly started carrying them around the house. Katya and I tried to get her to keep them on her feet long enough to walk around, but it was a no go. I also pulled out a pair of gold jeweled flip flops that my Mom bought Alexis when she was first born (also her size, a 5) and stuck those on her feet. Those had a little strap that went around the heel so they stayed on her feet while she walked around. Alexis was liking the nice klomping sound when she walked around her bedroom. I make a little video of her wearing them and uploaded it to You Tube.

It is nice that places like Target (they have everything, note my earlier blog) have such cute flip flops in all sizes. I am sure that my Mother will continue to support Alexis' love of pretty shoes and I will enjoy seeing what she sends her. It won't be long before that will be her shoe of choice just like her Grandmother!

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Have you ever thought about painting her toe nails just like her Grandmother Cathy??