Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Elusive First Smiles

Babies first smiles are just like little hidden gems that you slowly get to unearth as they get older. At first they are brief glimpses of smiles that have you wondering if it was maybe just some bubbly tummy. But then you notice that they smile or grin when you touch them or talk softly to them and tell them how wonderful they are.

Then one day you get lucky and they are grinning and smiling and cooing and you have your camera handy! Those first smile photos are always so cute! They are like a little glimpse into the future of what they will look like or what kind of personality they might have.

Logan has had brief little smiles since he was only a few days old. Up until recently I have been the only one to really get a smile from him. Then last week he smiled for Katya, then Bob's sister, Debbie. Yesterday we were visiting on the couch while Alexis was sleeping and he just kept talking to me and giving me the best little smiles. Luckily I had my camera in arms reach and I got to capture a few of those beautiful little grins.

I look forward to many more of his wonderful toothless smiles!

1 comment:

Mandee said...

I love those moments! He is soooo cute! We need to see your cute kids in person!!! And you and Bob too!