Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bad Back

I have a bad back.

It is a relatively new thing for me. I used to have a really strong back and never once had so much as a sore anything. Shoulders and neck yes, but never my back.

Then came Alexis.

When I delivered Alexis she did something strange on the way out and my tailbone was broken. Ouch. I couldn’t figure out for the longest time why I absolutely could NOT lay on my back and why it hurt to sit. I guess it is a common occurrence for deliveries. It took me several months for my back to recover. I had to sit on pillows and really baby my lower back. Then as I was just about recovered….

WAH BAM!!!!!

… here comes Logan. Although I didn’t know I was knocked up for the first three months, I sure as heck knew it the last six. I had sciatica and horrid lower back pain. I slept with a pillow at my back every night for extra support.

After Logan I could tell that I had a tender back because it made itself known whenever I would bend over changing a diaper, bathing him, picking up Alexis… anything. Even my mattress made it hurt. A few lucky times something zigged when it should have zagged and I ended up crying. Man, oh man, I was dying. Luckily Bob and motrin saw me through.

Sunday it did it again. Katya asked if I would go to a Bikram Yoga class with her on Sunday morning. She didn’t want to go alone and I wanted to try it out because I noticed their pose sequence was not really heavy on the arms (since I can’t do arm junk). Bikram is that “hot” yoga where the room is set at 90 something degrees and you end up dripping with sweat after about ten minutes. At the end of 90 minutes every part of your body and strand of hair on your head is wet. You feel great afterwards though.

I was having a good time and focusing on my breathing and stretching until I hit the pose that took me out. I was all loose from the heat and didn’t realize I went too far until it was too late. I was dying the rest of the class. I went home and after a shower put myself into Bob’s zero gravity chair (it flips back to relieve back pain) and didn’t move really until last night. Man… I was dying. But Katya and Bob picked up my slack and took care of me, the house and the short ones. Katya wouldn’t even let me get myself something to drink. I think she feels pretty bad.

But this has not put me off of the yoga with Katya. I just now know to baby myself and not try to do all the poses until I have been a few times without pain. It’ll happen. Besides, I like having something special to do with Katya. I think she is pretty cool and a lot of fun to hang out with. Just give me a month to recover.


Mandee said...

Isn't pregnancy a big enough body sacrifice on behalf of your children? You are the best mom ever to do hot yoga with your daughter- tell her she is a lucky girl!

Hope you feel better soon!

Laura and the family said...

Ouch, it is no fun to have a bad back. But I know without a doubt that Katya felt so lucky to have you join her yoga class. Not only feeling lucky to have you in her class, you should be grateful that she was NOT embarrassed inviting you. Most teenagers would not wanted their parents being with them.

Get well!