Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Mom's Visit

A little birdie reminded me that I never did a post about my mother's visit in February. I must make amends.

In February, my mom came up and stayed for a whole week! It was her "President's Week" of vacation. She came up by herself and stayed in Katya's bedroom. Katya was temporarily moved to the "Lounge" for the week, but she didn't mind.

It was a really awesome visit.

My mom went to Katya's basketball game, took her shopping, hung out at the Old Mill, stayed with the short ones when I went to work, played with them, took naps with Alexis every day (she thought that was really cool) ... it was fabulous. She even made a fort with the dining room table and hung out under the blanket with them.

When I came home from work the kids had been bathed, the house clean, the laundry done and everyone was in their jammies watching cartoons being lazy. It was awesome!

That week went really, really fast.

I am hopeful that she can come up at least once or twice a year like that. It would be so nice to have her here and be able to have some relaxing "downtime" with the kids.

Not to mention that I miss my mom and like her staying here feeling comfy enough to stay in her pajamas all day and hang on the couch and visit.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

OHHHHHH it s so nice to getting to know each other: grandma/grandchildren while parents are gone out to work for a day. That is one of the best ideas to wear PJ all days! I love it. I will keep this in mind while I have days off from work-- 2 weeks.