Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guy Trip

Bob is leaving this evening with a friend to Lake Havasu for the weekend. Three whole days with no husband.

His friend has a house out there and he hasn't seen him in years, so this should be a fun time for all. Warm weather in the 80's all weekend, boats to ride the lake in, probably BBQing for every meal and lots of catching up.

Bob has been working all the time. Not a day goes by that he doesn't stress about some deadline for some board or some document that is critical to his existance. I know that it usually is business critical, but the guy never has any downtime. Despite his protests about this being the worst possible time to be going - he needs it.

My little weekend visits with Michelle in Seattle always help to clear my head. They kind of rejuvinate me for the next few months. They help me to remember ME. Deby - not the mother, the wife, the co-worker, the house cleaner, the family cook.... But the me that is the one that likes to travel, eat good cheese, watch corny movies, drink fruity fizzy drinks, sit in coffee shops with just a book and a vanila latte for a couple of hours.

My sincerest hope is that Bob comes back on Sunday night feeling a little bit lighter. A little bit happier. All the stress that weighs him down every single day will be hopefully lifted, even if only for 48 hours. I hope he reconnects with his friends, has fun swimming in the lake and driving boats and gets a lot of good belly laughs in. They are what keep us going when everything seems just too much to bear sometimes.

Have fun sweetie!


Laura and the family said...

OHHHHH I love Lake Havasu! I've gone there twice when I was high school without my parents. That's right, I went out with a group with another parent.

In the summer, it was AWESOME! We swam in the lake until 2 AM, jumping off 100 cliff (Yup, I only did ONCE- that's enough,) jet ski and many more.

I sure hope Bob had a nice time! He deserves to have a weekend to himself :-)

Laura and the family said...

You've been tagged.