Wednesday, April 8, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

Alexis has been ready for preschool for a while now, but I have been waiting until Fall.

After some rather difficult weeks, I decided that this girl needed sooner rather than later. She is smart and needs to work that brain of hers. Not to mention her refusal to totally potty train even though she knows what to do. A little peer pressure would be good in this area. Of course, me teaching her things doesn't work because she is one of those kids that just don't learn from parents. Katya was the same way, so I understand.

I looked all over Bend for preschools that were in my area, came with recommendations...etc. I found what appears to be an awesome one. It is a home preschool and I really like home care programs. Katya was in one for years and her caregiver was amazing. Her house is set up to where one half is her living area and the other half is the preschool. The school room is her converted garage and it has bright colors, artwork on the walls and nice pergo floors. Her backyard is huge and flat and she works from a preschool curriculum.

I took both kids there for a visit and they both didn't want to leave. Ms. Stephanie (her teacher) seems really nice and she has a good raport with Alexis. Alexis introduced her and Logan without any prompting from me. "I Lexi. This my brother, Logan.". I guess she has chosen Lexi as her nickname. Ginger wins.

Tuesday was her first day and I was expecting a little bit of drama. Didn't get it. We arrived at 8am with Alexis all dolled up for school and she just walked in and started playing. No problems whatsoever.

When I picked her up from school at noon she was happy to see me and not one single tear.

This was her teacher's report for the day:

- She went on the potty when one of the other kids did and kept a dry pull up all day. YEAH!!

- While she was doing some coloring of her letter "B" she told her teacher "Sissy at school. I at school. I am a big girl!".

- No pushing, shoving, attitude or difficulty.

- She didn't eat the bean and cheese quesadillas, but that came as no surprise. I did warn her about her picky eating habits.

All in all a FABULOUS report!!

All afternoon the girl was a little chatterbox. I believe this is a great time for her development and I can't wait to have more conversations with my little Lexi.

1 comment:

J Fife said...

Yeah for preschool! I bet Lexi will soon have a pack of friends and endless chatter about her day.