Saturday, April 18, 2009

Growing Some Flowers

I have a love of gardening.

Not sure why. Don't know where it came from, but it is there. I can only think that my Great Grandparents, who homesteaded in Halfway, Oregon, put this gardening bug in my system.

Alexis loves creating things. She wants to be in the kitchen and she is always making some kind of pretend something with her play food. She also loves to be outside and she LOVES flowers. I must have given that same gene to her.

Sooooo... we are growing some flowers for our yard.

Since I had such great success with the little dirt pods and greenhouse things, we are growing some Zinneas, Giant Sunflowers and Sweet Peas. I say we, when actually it is Alexis doing all the work.

Step 1: Put the little dirt pods in the greenhouse base with the little hole facing up.

Step 2: Add water and watch them triple in size. (Always fun)

Step 3: Add flower seeds and press them into the dirt.

Step 4: Cover them up and put them in the sun to grow.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Lucky, you have a little right-handed helper ! I hope she grows up being a GREEN THUMB.