Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Getting Politics Off of My Chest

All this mudslinging on the TV and constant bickering between who considers themselves a Republican or Democrat is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

If I made the rules there would be no "party" affiliation. I think that candidates should stand on their own beliefs, convictions, education, experience and vision. No hiding behind the whole "you should vote for me because I am in your party".

So many people are so staunch in their belief that anyone who calls themselves a member of their political party should be good. When it comes time to fill out their ballot they just select everyone on their party's ticket.

The Independant party was supposed to help balance this out, but the two main party's still trump them so if you really want to be elected you usually have to commit to one or the other even if you probably don't agree with everything the party stands for. Also, if you want to access the large pool of money that the two party's have for publicitiy you must pick a side.

This whole thing is silly.

And don't get me started on the Church thing. I believe in separation of Church and State. If you wish to belong to a Church to worship - by all means do so. But someone's religious opinions are outside of their "job" in office. If you are a Jew, Catholic, Pentacostal, Christian, Wiccan, Baptist, Mormon ...whatever... I only care about the job you will do in office. It doesn't mean that you practice what you preach at home. I dislike others judging people because if you belong to a Church you are this way or that way. And I dislike Churchs throwing their support behind one candidate or another. When I was little I remember sitting in my Grandma's church while the pastor would say that everyone needed to vote for this person or that person. It seemed wrong when I was seven and it seems wrong now. The worst was when a pastor I know told the congregation that Bill Clinton was the anti-christ. Unfreakinbelievable.

So, my perfect world doesn't exist. It probably never will.

Hopefully everyone has already voted or will be voting today. Whatever you do - please vote.

And if I have totally irritated or offended you, I am sorry. It was not my intent.


J Fife said...

Not offended at all. I couldn't agree more, especially about the separation of Church and State. In my perfect world, people would be judged only on their performance.
So glad it's election day. This has been an exhausting campaign.

Laura and the family said...

I'm covering my eyes, hear and mouth at the same especially on Election Night and a day after Election.