Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pack Rat

I am married to a world-class pack rat.

It seems almost physically painful for him to get rid of ANYTHING. This past Sunday I spent hours and hours cleaning our garages. I clean them a couple of times a year and Bob does his usual - you can't get rid of THAT! I'm going to use that. Someday. Maybe. But I paid good money for it. Eleven years ago.

It is the same story every single time. I had gone through and found an old tackle box, the remains of a closet hanger rod and hardware, a case of jelly jars and lids, a partial roll of fiberglass insulation and a box of 13 magazine holders and a TON of assorted lumber that we could afford to get rid of so we could actually park our bikes in the garage. I posted it all on Freecycle.org and I had takers on everything before the night was over. I labeled everything and set it all on my patio steps for people to swing by and pick them up.

Yesterday morning I found Bob putting everything back into the garage.

"How can you get rid of this? I plan on using this when I have time."
"This is good stuff, you should at least sell it."
"I paid a lot of money for this. I don't want to just give it away. I know we don't have a use for it, but we might someday. We should keep it just in case."

When he left for work I put everything back out and it is all gone now.

The thing is... he won't even miss it because our garages and attics are still so crammed with stuff he doesn't even remember what he has.

But that is what you get when you marry a pack rat with a purger. Something between organization and chaos. :)

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Welcome to my boat! Your brother (my husband) is very difficult to negotiate. He often would say, "It's better to save because it will be valuable in a few years." Other times, he would save newspaper articles over years ago.. Finally, he is learning to throw stuff away- not much but better than nothing cuz I would often point him out, "don't you want any more of spiderlings in our garage?"

He would then argue with me, "Hey you have boxes in the garage ?" I pointed him out, "I have a valid reason. I don't have a classroom this year, but the boxes will be empty in this fall."

However, we need our handyman husbands despite of them being pack rat, right?