It's coming up on three years that I have lived in Bend. I moved up with Katya on July 5, 2005.
What a crazy time that was. Leaving my job at Qualcomm (hardest thing to do), selling my townhome that I paid for all by my lonesome (a lot of pride in that place), leaving my family and friends (still hurts) and leaving my birthplace (home just can't be replaced).
I spent the next three years either pregnant or with an infant.
Not earning a paycheck.
Spending every dime and then some on trying to remodel this house.
Trying to get a schedule with Katya and I to still visit family on a regular basis.
Helping Bob with his company.
Being so intensly lonely it hurt.
I often wondered again and again if I made the right decision to uproot my life in San Diego and follow Bob up here dragging Katya in tow.
After three long years I can finally say that this place is where I think I belong. At least for right now. Katya has blossomed with her teachers, sports and Campfire. She has been able to take advantage of opportunities I would not have been able to provide to her otherwise. I give her a LOT more time than I ever have before and she is such a well put together young woman I believe because of it. And where I live is so bike friendly, I feel comfortable with her riding to and from the movies, her sports practices that are on our side of town, going downtown with friends.... It is nice to be able to give her some independance.
I have been able to spend lots of time with the two little ones. It has been a crazy, tiring, messy, sleep-deprived time, but I do miss them when I don't have them. They know they are loved and adored by all. And I have a newfound respect for stay-at-home mothers.
I am even getting a circle of friends. Still casual, but so lovely to have these women in my life. And I have been able to "work" outside of the home with one of Bob's clients a couple of days a week. Not much, but enough to help my mental state of being. It is nice to have my brain working again. I think there are still a few cobwebs up there, but I intend to eradicate them as soon as possible.
So after the biggest and scariest change of my life - I think I landed on my feet. It is a good thing and I am looking forward to being here for at least another twenty years. All I can say is that this house better be finished by then! :)