Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Birthday Bites the Dust

Thirty nine. 39. Three ... Nine ... The ten year anniversary of turning 29. Yesterday was my 39th birthday.

Uuuugh. That is a big number. Next year is a BIGGER number. But I am getting ready for it.

I joined a gym and went and worked out this morning. Lets just say that as a person who used to be in rockin' good shape - I've got a lot of work to do. But my head is in the right place for it finally.

I find it funny how we have the eve of big birthdays and the BIG birthday itself. You know, 29 and 30, 39 and 40.... At least I don't have the huge list of expectations for turning 40 that I did for turning 30.

So, here is to a healthful year full of toddler fun, teenage sports, travel, work, making new friends and visiting with old ones.


Mandee said...

Happy Birthday Deby. I was just telling Kelly (who just turned 31) how much I have LOVED my thirties!

And I am actually looking forward to my forties! The experience, the knowledge, the memories. Knowing more and knowing better.

And I think you should plan a HUGE party for yourself! Forty should be CELEBRATED!

Laura and the family said...

I agree with Mandee that you should throw yourself a 40th birthday party.That's what I did for David's surprise 40th birthday party.

I could not disagree with Mandee that 40 is the best thing happening to me despite of increasing having aches.. the wisdom increases.

Happy Birthday to my dear sister in law!

J Fife said...

Happy birthday, Deby! Hope you had a fantastic day and that the upcoming year is magical.

Also happy anniversary! January is a busy month for you.