Our country is in such turmoil right now. People are losing their jobs left and right. People can't afford their mortgages and so many are losing their homes. We are in two wars. Our schools are out of money and some are closing. The cost of gas may be half of what it was over the summer, but food prices are still high. Medical costs consume so much of our money that even with insurance, our 20% equals hundreds of dollars a month.
The world economy is on fragile ground. The effects of global warming are evident even to those that don't believe in the science. Natural disasters are commonplace every year with flooding, tornados and hurricanes. Extremes of nature bring all kinds of problems from long periods of sub-freezing temps to long extremes of hot weather in the 90's and above. People get sick from both and trying to afford to keep you house comfy costs money too.
So now we have a new President. Because of the election, it seemed like not a whole lot was done to try and fix what was broken because of the new faces that were going to take office. Everyone was waiting to see what personalities and opinions would be pushing policies through. I'm not just talking about the presidential office, I mean governors, senators and representatives.
The pomp and ceremony of the Inaguration is over. The realities of a new face of this nation is real. It is a nice side benefit that he happens to be black. Or kind of black or whatever - the dude ain't white and it's cool with me. I like his agenda for this country. I have spent a lot of time reading
whitehouse.gov and I hope that his team can move us forward to a better place. The hope that people have is great, even knowing any change will take time.
Then I read that Rush Limbagh is spouting his rhetoric of hate. He actually said that he hopes Obama fails. What?? He is letting his partisan POLITICS take priority over the good of the NATION. He wants the whole country to continue on its downward spiral just to feel better about a Democrat being elected? Give me a break.
I didn't vote for Bush and I sure didn't like his agenda. But he was the President and I hoped that he would make good decisions for the country. That the country would be better because he took office. I never hoped that he would fail. Why would I when his decisions would eventually impact my life? He fails, I fail.
The same goes with Obama. If he fails... the country fails. And in some ways so does the world.
So, I can only hope that people out there who harbor great hatred towards Obama because he is a Democrat or because he is a person of mixed race/African American/whatever - think about the bigger picture. You may not like him and I'm not asking you to. I never liked Bush myself.
But I am asking you to think hope and not hate. Think that you hope he makes decisions you like. Hope that his decisions help to bring back jobs to your city, affordable housing to your area, respect of the US to the rest of the world, stability to your bank, money to your kids schools and brings your military family home.
Get involved. You have the opportunity to speak your mind through the
change.org website. Let your voice get heard. State your opinion. We don't all agree and that is a great benefit not a disadvantage. You can't move forward as a person or a country without people challenging your ideas. It makes you think, educate and re-evaluate.
I for one have great hope for this country to pull ourselves up, dust ourselves off and put things back together ... only better.