Sunday, December 14, 2008

Art Show

Katya has been in art all semester and been having a good time with it.

There is an artistic gene that runs through Katya from both sides. Her Great-Great Grandfather on her father's side is Leon Trousset. Evidently he has some pieces in museums around the world. On my side, my Great Grandmother was an artist herself and my cousin, Becky, is an amazing artist as well. I fancied myself an artist until I just didn't have time for it anymore.

Katya refused to touch art supplies and resented art projects until Kindergarten. Then one day she surprised her teacher by asking to do some painting. It was a beautiful picture of a flower with a sun and rainbow. She has just been my little Van Gogh ever since. But usually she reserves her artistic talents for drawing what she hopes will be her future fashion line.

Last Thursday, her high school had a really cool art show with live music performed by some guitar students. It was a display of art projects that the kids have worked on all semester. Some of those students are just amazing. I love seeing what some kids have inside of themselves that they express through art.

Katya had four pieces of art on display and I loved all of them, since they were all so different. But I admit, her scratch art piece was the most striking of all. I can't wait to see what else she comes up with.


J Fife said...

Fantastic! That scratch art piece is amazing. You'll never have to worry about art for your home.

Laura and the family said...

Wow, I'm impressed with her art skills. Now, she will have to teach me how to draw the nose correctly. I always make the nose as it is drawing from Pablo Picasso! )not kidding)

I'm sure some day her work will be one of the famous artist like her Great Grandfather, Leon. I do look forward seeing her name on the fame.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I didn't know Katya was taking an art class. Her work is awesome!