Monday, December 10, 2007

A Day Devoted to Katya

Saturday was "Katya's Day with Mom".

It didn't start out that way, but Bob was home with the kids and was willing to stay with them all day. Which was good since Alexis was going through Daddy withdrawls from him working so much.

Katya had a basketball scrimmage first thing in the morning so we were up, fed and out the door by 8am. Her game was at one of the local high schools and it was COLD in that gym. Her game lasted about two and a half hours. I seriously have to get myself a bleacher seat thing with a back support. My back was killing me.

We ran home so Katya could shower and change. I visited with the little ones and Alexis jumped up and down and did her best to describe her morning to me. "Daddy color (she loves her huge coloring book)...Daddy ball (they played with an exercise ball)...Daddy jump (they danced)...Daddy food (he fed them breakfast)...Daddy book (they read books together)... you get the point. She was so happy!

After Katya was suitably primped, we headed out the door to Barnes and Noble. Her middle school was having a fundraiser and Katya was a volunteer. We didn't really have anything to do other than walk around with stickers saying that today's purchases would benefit our school. Who cares! I was in a bookstore for three hours!!! I do try and not buy books since we are doing the one income thing. But I couldn't resist buying a few since I was there for so long. And it benefited the school. Totally justifiable!! Some of my picks (keeping in mind I read the same books as Katya so we have more to talk about): The Warrior Heir, The Looking Glass Wars, Crank, the Wicked series, Betwixt and Three Cups of Tea.

After the bookstore we headed back home for another pitstop. Katya was having her friend birthday party / sleepover at Debbie K's house (brave, brave woman). We had loaded up on all kinds of frozen appetizers, chips, dip, apples with caramel, drinks, candy, cake, doughnuts, fruit and popcorn for the party on Friday night so all we had to do was pick up the food, movies, camera and take it to Debbie's house. We put everything away and Katya got the music going until her friends started showing up at 6pm. Her favorite gift? A full size footed pajama with moose on them. I had no idea they made them in her size. Three other girls were wearing them so it was really funny to watch them jump around the room. I left her to her party and headed home. Debbie said that they were perfect and they even cleaned up after themselves.

Katya and I hadn't spent a day together without babies since Alexis was born. She was feeling really good and loved when I left her. And Alexis and Logan had totally enjoyed their Daddy day. We have to remember to do that more often.


Jen said...

Have you read the "Twilight" series? I keep hearing they are great books but haven't read any of them yet...

Unknown said...

I could wander in bookstores forever. I've never heard of the Looking Glass books. What are they?

Deby said...

Jen - the Twilight series is a MUST read. Especially since you have members of the teen set in your house too. I highly recommend them.

Wendy - the Looking Glass Wars seem like a really cool, sci-fi take on the whole Alice in Wonderland and through the Looking Glass books. I haven't read it yet, but it does look really good.

Unknown said...

I'll have to look for those next time I'm at a bookstore.

Have you read anything by Julie Kenner? The first in her series is Carpe Demon, then California Demon, and I can't remember the name of the third. The subtitle of the first one is "The Secret Life of a Demon-Huntin Soccer Mom." The books make me giggle like crazy.

Laura and the family said...

Oh I can 't hard wait to go to the bookstore when I don't have to worry about leaving the boys (when they get older) around the bookstore.