Saturday, December 1, 2007

Buy American

Ya know, with all the recalls of the Chinese made toys because of lead paint, Aqua Doodles that can mix to become a date rape drug, toys that are being made in Third World countries in exploited labor markets - you might be considering trying to buy American.

After all, American made items are required to be made to specific safety requirements. Not only that, you would be encouraging local manufacturing which pays for local jobs. And if you really want to get technical, there is a decrease in fossil fuels burned because there was a much shorter distance for travel from manufacturing plant to store thereby being better for the environment.

Soooooooooooo, after all that I found a website via another local blogger that enables you to buy American made products. How cool is that?

If you are still in need of purchasing a toy or book for some grommet this holiday season, check them out!

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Oh Yeah, it was too bad Aqua Dot has been recalled. It made Dylan VERY SAD. Actually, he cried and cried so hard. So, I had to explain to him with a reason. After listening the reasons, he asked Ryan to promise him not to swallow the Aqua Dot.

Then, he "yelled" at me that both made a promise to get them Aqua Dots. Isn't that cute, but too bad for not getting them one??

It is really shamed to disappoint the kids when they really wanted something badly for birthday or Christmas.