Friday, July 11, 2008

The Host

Amazing. Awesome. Conflicting. Dramatic.

A suck you in until you have given up all hopes of sleeping or getting anything else done until you read every page of this book. And I do mean every page. Just when you think it has ended skip forward a few pages and it continues.

So amazingly good. Better than the Eclipse series in my opinion. And it took a lot for me to say that.

Get the book! Read it and let me know what you think!!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I can't wait to read this book. I've been wondering if it's better than her other ones which were sooo good.

Laura and the family said...

I would love to see Katya's face when she sees this book. And watch out for her sucking into this book once she opens the book.

Heather said...

I'm in line at the library to get it. I'm like in the 120's, so it might be a month or so before it's my turn. But I've heard good things about it so I can't wait!